Last Video Call
Based on True Story
James and Ruby were close friends and used to study in the same college. James moved to a new city a few days ago and due to some work stuff he could not contact Ruby for a week. On Thursday night he decided to make a call with Ruby and she was much excited to know all the details. James told him that he was having something really interesting to tell about this place but not on the call. So they both decided to make a video call on the very next day.
“Hey James! Nice room.” It was Ruby on the other side of the Skype call.
“Hey Ruby!” James said
“Uh so tell me what’s that you wanted to share about your apartment.” She asked curiously
“So you know it’s been really hard trying to find the place because of all those high rents. I actually find this place at a ridiculously low price and I know what you’re gonna say but it’s clean and really close to the food court and I just thought I had a big time. But since I moved on every night I’ve just been getting this strange feeling. Somebody actually died here in this apartment. Three people in fact, I asked around and there used to be a family here. It was a couple and their young son. They actually sounded like a pretty normal family but one day they were all found dead right here in this apartment. The thing that’s even more weird than that the murder weapon Ruby, somebody stabbed the whole family to death with a fork. Several times with a fork.” He told the whole story thing to her
“Oh God! This is so strange. Whoever the killer was he must be a psychopath. Who could do something like that and for what reason?” She asked
“The reason, I’m not really sure about that. Even the police could not figure it out. Ruby what if we find all the answers to this whole damn thing.” He asked her
“But how we will do that James?” She inquired
“Do you remember that technique we read about summoning a ghost. How much we wanted to try that but we were lacking a chance. I think it’s the right time to do that Ruby.” He said
“Yes I know. But I really don’t remember the exact method James. It’s been a long time.” She replied
“I wrote it in my diary that time, let me check.” He said
“Sure.” Ruby nodded
“Oh that’s perfect. I think we have everything we need right now.” He said
“Are you sure James? I don’t know why but I’m having a weird feeling about all this.” She said in a hesitant tone as all the Horror stories were crossing her mind that time.
“Hey don’t worry about that Ruby. It would be fun doing all this. Just stay calm and let’s do this.” He replied as he was excited
“All right! Let’s do this.” She finally agreed
(James started to gather all the required stuff to do this trick and Ruby was just watching her doing do)
“Just turn off the lights.” James said to her
“Hey, why would I turn off the lights?” She seemed a bit nervous
“Oh shut up Ruby, don’t hesitate. Just do it. We have to optimize all the conditions right for the ghost to come.” He said
“Okay!” She headed towards the switch and turned it off.
James took his book out which read the title as horror stories for some weird reason. He jumped on to last page where he had written the code words for calling the spirit. He took out a needle and started to peel off her finger a bit with this. Suddenly blood started to came and he put it on the two edges of a white paper in a symmetrical manner. He wrote “Yes” and “No” on both of these blood spots accordingly. Afterwards he placed two candles on these spots respectively. He was very confident and wanted to know whether this trick will work or not. He stared at those candles and started uttering a strange code word.
“Spirit, spirit come here. Spirit, spirit come here. Spirit are you here?”
“Spirit, spirit come here. Spirit, spirit come here. Spirit are you here?” He was repeating this and suddenly there was a flick on both of those candles.
James was frightened to see a flick on those candles. He was much excited. Ruby was watching all this thing happening at her end and she was feeling a chill of horror. She warned him and asked him to stop all this right away. James told her to stay calm and let him ask a few questions from the spirit.
“Spirit did you used to live here?” James asked
It was a flick towards yes
“That’s a yes.” James said
“Were you over 20 years old?” James inquired
It was a flick towards “No”
“This may be the young song of the who were living here. Ask him if he was murdered or what.” Ruby said to him
“Were you murdered spirit?” James asked
It was a flick of candle towards “yes”.
“Oh strange. Spirit were you murdered by someone who was a stranger?” James asked
It was a flick towards “No”
“Oh my God then it must be someone known or someone who was very close to him.” Ruby said
“Spirit did someone from your family murdered you?” James asked
“What!… “It was a flick towards “yes”.
“Was it your father who murdered you?”
It was a flick towards “No” this time.
The curiosity level of both of them raised to upper limits and they wanted to solve this mystery at any cost. James was asking questions one after the other and Ruby was watching all this thing happen before her eyes.
“Spirit, did your mom murdered you?” James asked
It was a flick towards “yes”.
“That’s really messed up James. Why would she kill him?” Ruby asked
“Let’s try to find out the reason Ruby. Now I’m going to ask few more questions to solve this mystery forever.” James said
There was a sudden hustle and James started to look up for questions to be asked. “Ahh there…
Spirit, is there someone else with you?” James asked
It was a flick towards “yes” this time.
“So there’s another Ghost there besides him. “Ruby said abruptly
“Is there another Ghost, your father there with you?” James asked.
It was a flick towards “No” this time.
“Your mother?” He asked
It was a flick towards “yes”
“James, there was someone who just passed by your room.” Ruby said
“What, are you out of your senses. There’s no-one except me in this house right now.” James was angry at her
“Well I don’t know. It seemed liked someone just passed by your room. I am not feeling comfortable, I’m frightened James. Please stop this all and ask this spirit to just go away right now.” Ruby said while sweat was running down her cheeks.
“Alright! Alright, I will do the same.” James said
James told the spirits to return to wherever they came from.
“Spirit are you here?” James asked but there was no flick this time.
James was confident that the spirits have left after the candles stopped flicking. Ruby also breathed a sigh of relief. James and Ruby both were equally surprised that this technique actually worked. James felt some irritant in his throat and asked Ruby to wait for him while he get some water. After a pause of 5 minutes he appeared suddenly at the screen with a strange creepy face, “WOOOH!”. James scared the shit out of Ruby. She was angry at him.
“That’s it. I’m going.” She said
“Wait a minute. Who’s there with you in the room?” James asked
“Just shut up!” She replied
“No I’m serious, there’s a woman behind you.” He shouted
Strange and creepy voices started to came and the call was disconnected.
Let’s continue to the further news of the day. A 19 year’s old lady was found dead in her apartment early morning. She was stabbed brutally in her back with a fork. The body was badly mutilated. The police and the investigation forum is yet to investigate if this was a murder or a suicide because there seems to be no sign of a forced entry from outside the girl’s apartment. Her calls and phone record confirmed that the last call she made was to one of her friends, James. Her name was Ruby.
The victim’s friend is in complete shock and is only saying one thing: “ Only he left but she did not”. In this way the story became a horror story and is registered among other short horror tales forever.