
Submission Guidelines

Please Follow the Guidelines.

We like strong genre fiction – crime, fantasy, mystery, romance, science fiction, horror. We will also publish good work that does not necessarily fit into a particular genre – general. We don’t publish erotica, polemics or non-fiction.


We will only accept stories up to 2000 words (use word count). We also publish a Flash Fiction category (up to 850 words) in the same genres as listed above.


We accept only email submissions. We do not accept simultaneous submissions


Send to: contact@epicreading.co.uk
Include in Subject line: Submission, your last name, number of words (example: Sub, Jones, 1867 words)
Include in body of email:

  • Your real full name
  • Author name (only if you want to use a pseudonym)
  • Email address
  • Mail address
  • Phone number
  • Manuscript title
  • Genre category for your story
  • Manuscript number of words
  • A 100 word or less succinct bio at the end of your story.
  • Please do not submit your life story!

Attached to your Email, in Word or Word-compatible doc.

Completely ready to print – properly formatted with no typos, grammar or syntax issues. We suggest having someone proofread your manuscripts. We will not edit your work.

Single spaced with no space between paragraphs, but indented first words of each paragraph (as you would expect to read it in a book)
Times New Roman 12 pt font.

American style double quotes to show speech

A header that includes the title, genre, your last name, word count and any other information you wish to include

Strong Hint: Come up with an attention-grabbing title. In today’s world, a reader may linger to read your story, or skim on by, based solely on those few first words.

Terms of Publication for Epicreading

EpicReading publishes stories on the basis that the site and all those affiliated with it, will not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential damages. This includes loss of stories, programs, information, personal or public data and any unauthorized use of the stories by any other party. Anyone who submits material to this site waives all claims against the site and anyone affiliated with the site. Submitters have no control over the site or its use of materials submitted to it. When you submit your story include the words, “I agree to the terms of publication”. If you do not include these words we will assume you have agreed to the terms of publication by virtue of the fact that you have submitted a story.

Regars Team Epicreading !