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Welcome to our Crime Stories category on Epicreading, where you will find a wide variety of thrilling tales of mystery, suspense and criminal activity. From classic detective stories to modern crime dramas, our selection of crime stories has something for every reader.

smoke alarm heist

Smoke alarm Heist (part 1)

The smoke alarm had been triggered, threatening to expose their carefully crafted plan. Panic rippled through the team, but they had prepared for such continge...

 Escape the room (crime story)

Escape the room  A Thrilling Tale of Greed and Betrayal The clock was ticking as the four men sat in the van outside the bank, finalizing their plan, a plan to escape the room. Emotions ran...
The Maestro's Heist

The Maestro’s Heist (Crime)

The Maestro's Heist Detective Sarah Davis sat across from her informant, Jake, in a dimly lit diner. Rain battered the windows, creating a backdrop for their clandestine meeting. Sarah: (whispering) "Jake, you mentioned something big. What's...
Joelle Rich

Joelle Rich (Crime Story)

Joelle Rich As Richie Rich Joelle Rich, known to all as “Richie Rich,” was a prominent figure in the city of Crestville. His opulent lifestyle and boundless generosity had earned him the nickname, though...
Gambling sites, Gambling Uk sites

Mystery Gamblers – Gambling sites

Detective Alex Rodriguez sat at his desk, scrolling through his usual feeds on his computer when he noticed something peculiar. A sudden surge of online gamb...

Shadows of Tanzohub Crime Story

Shadows of Tanzohub In the heart of the city's darkest corners, where the neon lights flicker and the streets echo with whispers of treachery, Elvish Tanzo commands respect like no other. Known simply as Tanzo,...
Chasing shadows!!

Chasing shadows!! (Crime story)

Chasing shadows!! The night was thick with anticipation as a mist rolled in, cloaking the city in an eerie shroud. In a dimly lit alley, Mark leaned against the brick wall, his eyes fixed on...
Wrong side of the tracks

Wrong side of the tracks

where shadows danced on the concrete streets and secrets whispered through the night, a child named Jake found himself on the wrong side of the tracks...
Smoke alarm heist

Smoke Alarm Heist (Part 2)

Smoke Alarm Heist (Part Two) READ PART 1 The team listened intently, their eyes reflecting a combination of excitement and apprehension. Vincent unveiled a plan that would require them to infiltrate the impregnable vaults of the...
Dark Chocolate & other stories

Dark Chocolate & other stories

Dark chocolate: Sophie had always been a fan of dark chocolate. She loved the rich, intense flavor and the way it melted in her mouth. She would often indulge in a piece or two after...