
love Stories

Welcome to our love Stories category on Epicreading where you will find a wide variety of heartwarming and swoon-worthy tales to keep you entertained. From classic love stories to modern rom-coms, our selection of romance stories has something for every reader.

mystery and romantic stories Life a mere joke

Life, A mere joke

Life, A mere Joke “Come out of your imaginary world, there’s much more life has to offer other than just reading those shitty stupid novels and waiting for these thoughts to become true. I’m telling...
Romantic Stories

Princesses who were named witches

Princesses who were named witches. Once upon a time, in the deep dark woods lived three women in a cottage covered with flowers and a door with a welcome board on it.Andy, Mandy and Sandy...

Rip Sage

The door lock clicked in the silence of her apartment. She entered and closed the door. She looked exhausted, but maybe her soul was more exhausted. She thre...

Behind the curtains (Love Story)

Behind the Curtains It was getting dark and Emily rushed towards the station in a hurry. She was carrying a small purse and some luggage in the suitcase. It was summer and the holidays have...
Romantic Stories

The Cheater (love stories)

The Cheater Like every other day when Tina got home from work she found Zayn in the kitchen, cooking dinner but today was special as it was their wedding anniversary and he was expecting Tina...